Does acupuncture hurt?
Often people report tingling, a slight ache, temperature changes, a quick zip that dissipates, or no feeling at all. Acupuncture is not meant to hurt, but it is not sensation-less. Everyone’s body reacts differently. I strive to make acupuncture as comfortable as possible using advanced needling techniques. Many people find acupuncture to be relaxing and soothing.
What if I'm afraid of needles?
Acupuncture can be needleless. There are many other ways to stimulate acupuncture points, including acupressure and moxibustion. We can work together to find the most effective treatment to suit your needs
How does acupuncture work?
The million dollar question. Researchers have found that activation of acupuncture points increases circulation, stimulates the immune system, desensitizes pain receptors, and it doesn’t end there. Researchers continue to make new discoveries on how this ancient medical system heals the human body.
Do you take insurance?
I am out-of-network with all insurance providers. Please call your insurance provider and ask if your plan covers acupuncture out-of-network and if they can reimburse you directly. You’ll also want to ask if any specific diagnoses are covered (low back pain is common). At the end of your visit, I am happy to provide you with an itemized receipt that you can submit to your insurance company for possible reimbursement.
What does acupuncture help treat?
Traditional Chinese medicine is a full medical system. Here at Mend I often see people seeking help with any of the following:
Acute or chronic pain
Anxiety, Depression, PTSD, Stress
Digestive discomfort: acid reflux, bloating, IBS
Headaches, Migraines
Infections, Lyme
Insomnia, fatigue
Menstrual or menopausal symptoms
Recovering after surgery or illness
Illness prevention