“Acupuncturist” is a funny title. It’s the equivalent of calling a Western Medical Doctor an “Antibioticist.”.

Acupuncturists are Chinese medicine providers who have learned the philosophy of Chinese medicine and practice the science and art of healing that goes well beyond the use of needles. Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is a full medical system that can treat anything.

Did you know Traditional Chinese Medicine is over 2,000 years old and a full medical system?

Although rooted in tradition, Chinese medicine has had years to develop and grow. Haven't tried it yet? This safe and natural medicine has a short history in the United States. Although practiced and handed down in some Chinese American households, the 1970s was the beginning of acupuncture in mainstream America.  As a full system, TCM can treat anything. Acupuncturists are working hard to teach other healthcare professionals and the public about this safe and effective medical system. New Mexico and California have licensed acupuncturists as primary care physicians. Acupuncturists are a great addition to your medical team. 

How does it work and what makes it different?

TCM is a true holistic approach, finding the underlying cause to provide long lasting symptom relief. TCM evaluates systems and processes of the body (i.e. digestion, respiration, metabolism, etc.). These systems work together, but when one system becomes hyper or hypo functioning it can cause disease or disorder. Treatment is aimed at regulating these systems to correct and prevent illness.