Acupuncture involves inserting a fine, single-use sterile needle into a specific point on the body. The most commonly used points are on the legs, arms, and back. Acupuncturists complete years of formal education and thousands of hours of practice to learn how and when to use which points. Different techniques and approaches exist, like Chinese style, Japanese, Korean four-needle, dry needling, trigger point therapy, channel palpation, and auricular acupuncture. This is why acupuncturists vary; finding the right fit for you is essential. I prefer utilizing Chinese-style needling, which passes the skin layer and creates a mild sensation. I use dry needling and trigger point therapy for stubborn muscular-skeletal conditions and auricular acupuncture for mental-emotional and stress-related conditions.
Forensic Neuro Nutrition
Forensic Neuro Nutrition sets my practice apart. I use a combination of biomechanics, reflex points, acupressure points, and nutrition to identify and treat the root of your illness. This noninvasive modality was created and developed by Dr. Anthony Douglas Nicoletti, D.C., a contemporary of Dr. George Goodheart, the founder of Applied Kinesiology.
Chinese Herbal Medicine
Traditional Chinese medicine combines multiple herbs into formulas, like recipes. By adding herbs together, I can magnify potency, help absorption, assure safety, and individualize the formula to fit your unique health needs.
There are thousands of natural elements used medicinally, and not all are plant based. Some herbs are shells, honey, mushrooms, and minerals. Historically herbs would be combined and boiled for hours to extract the chemical components that the body can metabolize. Today herbal formulas come in tablets, powders, salves, tinctures, and in raw form.
Cupping and Gua Sha
Cupping and gua sha (gwa-shaw) are ancient traditions used to promote circulation, break up muscle knots, and even reduce the time of a common cold. Cupping uses suction, while gua sha utilizes pressure.
Tuina, a Chinese massage and muscle balancing technique. Great for correcting structure, reducing pain, and increasing range of motion.
I am constantly learning and adding more approaches to assessment and treatment. Here are a few of my favorites.
Foot reflexology, massage with a lot of emphasis on the bottom of the feet. This system, when stimulated, has a systemic effect on the body.
Nutrition and Lifestyle Recommendations because how we eat, move, and live directly impacts our health and wellness. I will give you approachable, realistic, and fun tools to help you heal faster and stay healthy.